
среда, 12 июня 2013 г.

Стали известны причины расставания Бородиной и Терехина

Телеведущая Ксения Бородина больше ушла от Михаила Терехина. Пара и раньше расходилась, но в этот раз всё куда серьезнее. Многие считали, что Ксюша бросила Михаила потому, что ей надоело его содержать. Однако истинная причина лежит глубже.

У Аллы Пугачевой кончились деньги

Ежегодный музыкальный фестиваль Crimea Music Fest больше не является ежегодным. В текущем году мероприятие не состоится. Причиной тому послужила Алла Пугачева, у которой нет денег на фестиваль.

Ким Кардашьян затаила обиду на любимого

Ким Кардашьян беременна, а значит, её настроение может быстро меняться по любому поводу. Возлюбленный Ким рэпер Канье Уэст на днях отпраздновал свой день рождения, и даже не подумал пригласить мать своего будущего ребенка.

Rade Lazic. Молодой и опасно красивый!

Лазич Раде – модель-фрилансер с большими перспективами карьерного роста.

Родился в Сербии, о которой сохранил самые теплые и радостные воспоминания, но сейчас живет и учится в Вене. Совмещение учебы с напряженной работой на фотосессиях и подиуме почти не оставляет времени на личную жизнь – об этом рассказал сам Раде в своем интервью для Fashionical. Но пока он об этом не жалеет, так как в 22 года все можно наверстать, а успехи в карьере уже весьма достойны.

Дину Гарипову пригласили в реалити-шоу "Остров"

Неожиданное предложение на днях поступило одним из самых ярких и обсуждаемых представительниц российского шоу-бизнеса. Финалистка конкурса «Евровидение-2013» Дина Гарипова и скандально известная супруга футболиста Юрия Жиркова Инна получили приглашение принять участие в продолжении знаменитого реалити-шоу Первого канала «Последний герой».

Как стало известно, новый проект будет носить название «Остров» и во многом превзойдет свою первую версию. Условия, в которые продюсеры поставят новых участников, будут намного жестче, а испытания - опаснее. Но знаменитостям есть за что побороться, ведь сумма приза за победу составит аж 500 тыс. долларов.

Ольгу Бузову муж довел до слез

Телеведущая Ольга Бузова счастлива в браке с футболистом Дмитрием Тарасовым. В данный момент пара весело проводит время за границей, где ничто не должно помрачать их отдых. Однако в своём твиттере Ольга написала, что муж довел её до слез.

Пара побывала в ресторане, где год назад Ольга получила предложение руки и сердца от Дмитрия. Что же могло заставить её расплакаться? Оказывает это были слёзы радости. «У меня самый лучший на свете муж...год назад 3 января в этом ресторане он мне сделал предложение  а сегодня опять тут же заставил плакать от счастья», — отписалась Ольга.

вторник, 11 июня 2013 г.

Вера Брежнева укоротила волосы и помолодела

Вера Брежнева уже давно ходит с длинными белокурыми волосами. Такой её привыкли видеть и поклонники. Однако певица решила обновить прическу, тем самым немного сменив имидж. Такие метаморфозы произошли с Верой накануне премии Муз-ТВ.

Ксения Бородина перестала содержать Михаила Терехина

В понедельник, 10 июня, Ксения Бородина отмечала 4-й день рождения дочери. Телеведущая организовала большой праздник, не жалея денежный средств. На празднование пришло множество мамаш с детками.

Рианна распространяет герпес

Популярной певице Риане грозит судебное разбирательство. Некая Старкима Гринидж подала исковое заявления на звезду за то, что Риана заразила её герпесом. Обвинительница сообщает, что произошел данный инцидент на концерте Рианы в Бруклине.

Сергей Лазарев попал в центр скандала в Минске

Сергей Лазарев побывал на гастролях в Минске, пока его бывшая возлюбленная Лера Кудрявцева выходила замуж. Сергей не присутствовал на самой церемонии, а в своем микроблоге ограничился скупыми поздравлениями. По приезду в Беларусь Лазарева ожидал очень неприятный сюрприз.

Pink's Long Hair Is Kind Of Freaking Us Out (PHOTOS)

Pink, is that YOU?!
The singer, who has been sporting a short pixie cut for years and years ... and years, debuted a brand new look while enjoying a day at the playground with her husband Carey Hart and their daughter Willow. Pink rocked long blond hair, shaving half her head to replicate the Ciara trend which has taken over Hollywood. (Ehem, Amanda Bynes anyone?)

суббота, 8 июня 2013 г.

Гэтсби в летнем InStyle Man Russia

Его путь похож на судьбу героя романа: от всенародной славы, стотысячных концертов и высоких гонораров — к экспериментальному театру, инди-сцене и краудфандингу. К выходу на экраны фильма «Великий Гэтсби» (в прокате с 16 мая) InStyle Man предложил Павлу Артемьеву вжиться в образ скучающего короля вечеринок (галстук-бабочка, смокинг, ретроштиблеты и шляпа прилагаются) и рассказать, ради чего он отказался от гламурной жизни.

среда, 5 июня 2013 г.

Привидение или все таки тело Ленина подает признаки жизни

Дело в том, что два года назад в Интернете появилась загадочная видеозапись из Мавзолея, где на всеобщее обозрение выставлено тело Ленина. На записи видно, как вождь, лежащий в саркофаге, поднимает левую руку, тянется всем телом вперед и падает обратно.

Мой секрет похудения. Никаких диет!

  Дорогие дамы, я рада приветствовать вас в своем блоге! В последнее время мне уже порядком надоели эти бесконечные сайты в интернете, где пишут, мол что я похудела с помощью активированного угля, овсяной диеты, огуречной диеты или тому подобное...НЕ ВЕРЬТЕ! Это всё чушь! Я никогда не ела никаких активированных углей! В общем, раз уж народ настаивает, то я решила развеять все эти мифы и рассказать вам, дорогие мои, о том как я похудела на самом деле. Устраивайтесь поудобнее и уделите мне 5 минут своего драгоценного времени чтобы узнать мой секрет похудения. Начинаем!
Не секрет, что в жизни нас постоянно сопровождают всяческие стрессы. И любая женщина моих лет и с таким жизненным ритмом давно уже начала бы терять равновесие в плане веса. Не избежала и меня эта проблема. Постоянные стрессы, напряжения и перекусысказались на моей фигуре!

Мадонна споет для киевской элиты

Мадонна снова выступит в Киеве / celebitchy.com
Несмотря на то, что прошлогодний визит Мадонны с сольным концертом в Киев был не самым удачным, звезда снова обсуждает условия выступления в украинской столице.

Angelina Jolie Celebrates 38th Birthday With Brad Pitt, Six Kids Over Dinner in Berlin

Angelina Jolie turned 38 on Tuesday, June 4, and the superstar celebrated an especially poignant birthday with her seven favorite people in Berlin: Fiance Brad Pitt and their children Maddox, 11, Pax, 8, Zahara, 8, Shiloh, 7 and twins Vivienne and Knox, 4. After Jolie joined Pitt, 49, on the week's third red carpet event for his flick World War Z, the Oscar-winning actress changed out of a stunning Ralph & Russo strapless white crepe creation into another sexy look for an en masse dinner at Japanese eatery Kuchi.
PHOTOS: See all Angelina's Us Weekly covers!
Wearing a sleeveless black mini-dress, Jolie (who's newly out and about after months of seclusion following a talked-about preventative double mastectomy) appeared in good spirits as the famous family headed into the restaurant for some birthday eats. Appearing all together for the first time in a while, the Jolie-Pitt children look more grown up and transformed than ever: With Zahara wearing a glamorous pink Grecian-style dress and sandals, Shiloh in chic tomboy shorts, loafers and white shirt, and her little brother Knox looking like the spitting image of his father in an all-black casual suit.

понедельник, 20 мая 2013 г.

Eurovision performance was best I could do, says Bonnie Tyler

Bonnie Tyler gave a rousing performance in Malmö but only clocked up 23 points. Photograph: John Macdougall/AFP/Getty Images
Bonnie Tyler said she gave it her all after the UK's entry finished 19th out of 26 countries in the Eurovision song contest.
The 61-year-old

Eurovision: why Americans can't afford to miss out on this cultural spectacular

PeR of Latvia performs on stage during the second semifinal of the Eurovision Song Contest. Photograph: Ragnar Singsaas/Getty Images
This week new figures showed that the eurozone remains mired in recession, the worst since the second world war, while the continent’s feckless leaders once again offered no new measures to stem sky-high unemployment or stimulate growth. From here, on the other side of the Atlantic, it is easy to look at Europe and see nothing but hopelessness. An unworkable currency union, a clueless and austerity-obsessed policy elite, spiking nationalism and extremism. Europe, it can seem, is done for.

Eurovision prize goes to Denmark, but real winner is Swedish host

Emmelie de Forest of Denmark celebrates with the trophy after winning. Photograph: Alastair Grant/AP
It wouldn't be Saturday night without a Scandinavian crime drama. This weekend the action moved to Malmö in southern Sweden. The sensible knitwear was replaced by glittering spandex and the only thing murdered were pop songs.


The 2013 Billboard Music Awards aired Sunday night live from Las Vegas' MGM Grand Garden Arena, and for those who missed it, SheKnows has the complete BBMA winner list for you below.
*Note: This list of BBMA winners is updated live throughout the Sunday broadcast on ABC. Winners are bolded.


On Friday, sources confirmed that Beyoncé is pregnant with her second child. The news ends a week of speculation after the singer canceled a concert on Tuesday.

In breaking news on Friday, sources confirmed to E! News that Beyoncé is indeed pregnant with her second child. Speculation had been running rampant all week that the "Single Ladies" singer might be carrying her second child.

However, the singer's mother, Tina Knowles, appeared on Access Hollywood Live and claimed that there wasn't any truth to the rumor.

She said, "Not right now."

Kelly Rowland sings about her frenemy Beyoncé >>

Perhaps her mother wasn't in the loop or did Mrs. Knowles mean that an announcement was not going to happen just yet? Beyoncé and husband Jay-Z have yet to confirm the news reported by the entertainment channel, but E! News clearly heard from a very inside source.

The other big clue to the superstar's pregnancy was the cancellation of her concert this week in Belgium due to "exhaustion and dehydration." As many moms know, the first trimester can be a rough one if morning sickness is involved. Just ask Kate Middleton.

The Grammy winner has never canceled a show before, so this was out-of-the-norm behavior. Beyoncé even took to her Tumblr account with a handwritten apology letter to fans.

She wrote, "I've never postponed a show in my life. It was very hard for me. I promise I will make it up very soon. I'm sorry if I disappointed you."

"Thank you for your concern," Mrs. Carter continued. "I'm feeling much better now and I'm ready to give you a great show."


Clement Chabernaud в журнале GQ Австралии

 Сразу две новые фотосессии с участием Clement Chabernaud. Французский парень модель серьезно подготовился к весеннему сезону. Многогранный и очаровательный парень появился на страницах последнего номера журнала GQ Австралии. В журнале он рассказывает о том, какие тату эскизы планирует набить себе на предплечье. Он позировал перед объективом фотографа Хассе Нильсена (Hasse Nielsen). Стилист Уэйн Гросс (Wayne Gross) одел парня в пестрый и необычный гардероб.
Молодой парень из модельного агентства «Success» демонстрирует на себе самые интересные и модные трэнды предстоящего сезона. Здесь чередуются формальные вещи с более эксцентричными и стильными вещами. Яркие принты от Versace, цифры от Salvatore Ferragamo и геометрический минимализм от Prada. Clement Chabernaud безусловно умеет преподнести себя в стильной весенней одежде. Парикмахер Brent Lavette. Визажист Zenia Jaeger.
Видео со съёмок:

Следующая фотосессия с участием Clement Chabernaud, представляет из себя совместную работу модели с фотографом Лаклан Бейли (Lachlan Bailey). Вместе они сделали кампанию на сезон весна/лето 2013 года для скандинавского лэйбла «Filippa K.«. Фотосессия представляет из себя серию черно белых изображений. Парень позирует в весьма обыденных позах, однако делает это со стилем и уверенностью, будучи одетым в красивые костюмы, спортивные толстовки и пальто.

Плавающий лес SS Ayrfield \ Travel

SS Ayrfield является одним из многих списанных судов в заливе Хоумбуш, к западу от Сиднея. Но от других кораблей его отличает зеленая растительность, которая украшает ржавые корпуса. Это красивое зрелище называют "плавающий лес", и оно добавляет жизни кладбищу кораблей.

Avril Lavigne & Chad Kroeger Walk Red Carpet Together at Billboard Music Awards

First the red carpet, then the aisle.

Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger walked the red carpet together – in matching black leather – at the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas on Sunday. With Lavigne in a strapless leather dress and Kroeger in a black leather jacket, the couple complimented each other as they posed for photos.

The Nickelback singer, 38, frontman proposed to Lavigne, 28, with a 14-carat diamond ring over the summer.

The singer recently spilled details about her upcoming nuptials in an interview with Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS-FM On-Air with Ryan Seacrest show.

"It's going to be quite spectacular, and there's a theme to it," she said. "We're going pretty big, but Chad doesn't even know everything."

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez Reunite & More from the Weekend

If the Preakness was the only event you bet on this weekend, chances are you missed everything from Cannes to Kanye.

But we didn't. Get up to speed:

5. J. Law Pulls Off Four Looks in One Day
Leave it to It Girl Jennifer Lawrence to make a fashion statement – or four – on her first day at Cannes. At the festival to promote the latest installment of The Hunger Games saga, Catching Fire, the face of Miss Dior paired her Dior ensembles with an estimated million bucks worth of Chopard – shine on, J. Law. (Which is your favorite?)

4. Saying Goodbye to Stefon
Even Ben Affleck 's fifth stint as a host couldn't dull the pain of saying goodbye to both Fred Armisen and Bill Hader on Saturday Night Live. But we'd take Jennifer Garner – who made a cameo during Affleck's opening monologue – as a new cast member any time. And with a musical performance from dad-to-be Kanye West, it was the perfect farewell. (We'll miss you)

Stay in the know about Justin Bieber by subscribing now.

3. Justin Theroux Has a Guys' Night in N.Y.C.
Although they haven't publicly announced a wedding date, it seems that Jennifer Aniston's fiancé Justin Theroux is already celebrating – with a possible bachelor party for another pal. Theroux's friend Gavin McInnes posted a photo of Theroux and his buddies out on the town. (Check it out)

2. Selena Gomez & the Biebs Can't Seem to Stay Apart
Young Hollywood's favorite on-again, off-again couple seems to be back on. After the duo was spotted on a family friendly date (where they snacked on candy and soda) at a Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas on Saturday, rumors swirled they'll sit together at Sunday's Billboard Awards. (Think it'll work this time?)

1. The Twilight Saga Continues with K. Stew & R. Patz's Love Life
While they may have brought one of the greatest vampire love stories of all time to life, it seems that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson's romance has grown cold. A source tells PEOPLE that the couple has called it quits after three years of dating. While the film franchise that brought them together may be over, the drama continues. (There's trouble in vampire paradise)


Taylor Swift Cleans Up at Billboard Awards

Taylor Swift is feeling 22 and she's feeling like a winner. A big winner!

The country cutie was the big winner of Sunday's Billboard Music Awards, taking home eight awards, including Top Artist. She even managed to poke a little fun at her oft-mentioned love life during an acceptance speech.

"You are the longest and best relationship I've ever had," she told her fans.

Throughout the show, Swift could be seen dancing along with Selena Gomez while singing along to several acts. That is, of course, when she wasn't taking the stage to sing her big song "22" or to accept her cache of awards.


Christina Aguilera Shows Off Slim Figure at Billboard Awards

Christina Aguilera's sexy slim-down continues.

The Voice coach showed off a slender figure while performing at the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas on Sunday.

Wearing a short black skirt and black top, the singer joined Pitbull for their song "Feel This Moment."

Just last week, Aguilera, 32, gave fans a sneak peek of her scantily clad body when she Tweeted a photo from the set of a music video.

Keep up with Christina Aguilera in the pages of PEOPLE Magazine by subscribing now.

At the season 4 premiere of The Voice in March, Aguilera chose a little black dress that highlighted her changing figure.

A source close to the singer has confirmed Aguilera is working out at home regularly and "exploring new methods of exercise" with different trainers, including weight training with fitness guru Tee Sorge.


Kim Kardashian to Take Baby on Tour: Right or Wrong?

Kim Kardashian is scheduled to give in July.

A few months later, Kanye West is scheduled to go on tour.

And while the dates/locations are yet to be announced, Kim has reportedly made up her mind: she and the baby are joining their man across the country, possibly even the globe.

The decision is being met with both praise (Way to keep the family together!) and skepticism (Who travels from city to city, hotel to hotel, with a newborn?!?), so now it's time for the THG crew to weigh in:

- See more at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/05/kim-kardashian-to-take-baby-on-tour-right-or-wrong/#sthash.7HlDEYiK.dpuf

четверг, 16 мая 2013 г.

Paolo Anchisi в журнале GQ Style Италии

Настоящий взрыв красок заснял фотограф Yu Tsai в свой новой фотосессии для последнего номера журнала GQ Style Италии. В ней модель Paolo Anchisi из модельного агентства «Ford New York» одет в серию ярких костюмов, которые подобрала для него стилист Elisa Anastasino. Она ориентировалась на популярные тенденции ярких и живых цветов в мужской одежде. Она смогла подобрать стильный гардероб от таких дизайнеров, как Moschino, Salvatore Ferragamo, Gucci и других.
Костюмы преподносятся зрителю в игривой форме, благодаря ярким цветам. От травянисто-зеленого до желтого солнечного цвета, в том числе и пастельные тона, а также темно-синее и фиолетовый. Паоло позирует в серии открытых изображений, освещая цвета и костюмы которые он носит. В новом номере интернет версии журнала Our-Interior.com можно встретить достаточно интересные материалы о том, как удачно вписать фотообои в интерьере гостиной и других комнатах.
Paolo Anchisi стал более менее известным после своей фото сессии от фотографа Hedi Slimane. После этого он появился в бесчисленном множестве изданий, включая VMAN, Vogue Hommes Японии и L’Officiel Hommes на немецком языке. Кроме этого, Paolo ходил по подиуму для Yves Saint Laurent, демонстрируя их коллекцию весна/лето 2010 года. Интересен тот факт, что он является сыном модели Lynn Koester
Paolo Anchisi появлялся в фото сессия из журнала «Essential Homme», а также в весенней фотосесии для журнала GQ Style Германии. Кроме того, вместе с моделями Dmitriy Tanner, Matt Woodhouse и Ton Heukels он был в рекламе коллекции Dsquared², весна/лето 2012 года.

Mark Gelencser в фото сессии из журнала Esquire Турции.

Легкую и шикарную жизнь «успешного мужчины» демонстрирует Mark Gelencser в своей новой фото сессии из журнала Esquire Турции, номер за июль 2012 года. Фотограф Ersoy Alap сделал чудесные летние снимки с моделью из агентства «Ice Model MGMT«. Марк решил приобрести ветровики на авто, ведь здесь они стоят на порядок дешевле.
Акцент фотографий сделан в сторону экзотического отдыха люкс класса. Такой фон, очень сильно подчеркивает люкс класс вещей которые одели на парня. Сам он просто расслабляется и чувствует себя очень спокойно на снимках. Его одел стилист Duygu Altıparmak в классические мужские шорты, рубашки и штаны бриджи, а также луис витон очки. Также из вещей от Louis Vuitton здесь можно заметить и стильный пиджак. Снимки очень красивые.
Весьма интересный «курортный» стиль. Наверняка на всех популярных курортах можно будет встретить мужчин в подобном стиле. Конечно, Марк пользуется высококлассными услугами фотографа и стилистов, но одежда на этом красивом мужчине действительно выглядит роскошно и удобно. Интересно было бы поинтересоваться у самого Mark Gelencser насколько ему понравилась одежда по внешнему виду и удобству. Но задать такой вопрос не так то просто, ведь именно лейблы одежды спонсируют модель и после съемок всю одежду, которая использовалась при съемках отдают им. Исключения составляют уникальные, лимитированные коллекции одежды.

5 Hot Celeb Couples With Matching Tattoos: Too Cute Or Too Much?

These couples have permanent ink and what seems to be permanent love for each other!
Getting your beau's name tattooed on your body probably isn't the best idea... even if you really are in love. Just ask Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie and the countless other celebs who've made that mistake in the past. But that's still not stopping some Hollywood couples from permanently declaring their passion for one another via the needle.

Miley Cyrus and fiance Liam Hemsworth are the latest duo to take the plunge with Theodore Roosevelt quotes stretched across their (hot) bods. In fact, it's seemingly becoming more and more common these days, almost as if it's a strange rite of passage of some sort. We've found 5 other couples who love to love with ink—and shocker!—who are still together!



Much has been said about this "Human Barbie Doll" -- a woman whose itty waist and Anime facial features created buzz on the Internet as to whether or not she was even real.

From Starpulse: "Ukrainian native Valeria Lukyanova may not look like a real person, but with the help of a little eye makeup and a tiny waist the model/singer has been able to fool people the world over. Photos of the Moldavian-born Lukyanova, called the 'human Barbie', took the internet by storm earlier this year, and many questioned whether she existed or was just a very well done computer generated image."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2012/11/20/human-barbie-doll/#ixzz2TTnXfmLH
Visit the TMZ Store: http://tmzstore.com

Cheryl Cole sends Kim Kardashian support over 'daily criticism'

SHE really is the nation's sweetheart.
Cheryl Cole knows exactly what it's like to have her personal life broadcast across the media on a daily basis.

So today she took it upon herself to send a super-supportive message to fellow celeb, Kim Kardashian.

The pregnant reality beauty has received criticism over both her maternity style and weight in recent weeks, so is bound to appreciate Chezza's kind words.

"Dear @kimkardashian. Hi Gorgeous lady! Just wanted to send you a tweet to say I think you are an incredibly beautiful woman inside and out," she began.

And showing even more compassion, she added: "I can only imagine how tough it is to be heavily pregnant and feeling extremely vulnerable on top of some of the daily criticism you take!"

The Girls Aloud beauty then told Kimmy K: "I admire your tenacity and send you my best wishes with the rest of your pregnancy #enjoyyourblessing x"


Even though this week is the last round for season 12 of American Idol, it is doubtful that many television viewers can name the final two contestants. That is because the drama of the revolving judges' panel makes more headlines than the contestants these days.

In the last month, the show has seen more turmoil than any prior season, from the rumors of Jennifer Lopez replacing Mariah Carey midseason to the official news that Randy Jackson is leaving to Wednesday's reports that Nicki Minaj is on her way out the door too.

Now, leave it to JLo to add one more story to the mix. The multi-talented performer was just named chief creative officer of NUVOtv, a Latin TV channel and she spoke at their upfront presentation on Wednesday in New York.

When Lopez was asked about coming back to the show, she replied, "I don't know. That's the question of the moment. I loved doing the show. I've said that over and over. If it came down to it and things were right and it worked out right — we have a lot going on right now. For an offer to come in and for me to consider it, I would have to sit down and look at my next year



На этот раз известной голливудской актрисе удалят яичники.
Знаменитая голливудская актриса Анджелина Джоли в скором времени снова окажется на операционном столе. На этот раз ей удалят яичники.
Ранее Анжделине сделали операцию по удалению молочных желёз - мастэктомию. На этот шаг актриса решилась из-за высокой вероятности развития онкологического заболевания (87%). В результате предпринятых мер, вероятность заболеть раком у Джоли снизилась до 5%.
Новая операция по удалению яичников -овариэктомия- снизит вероятность развития рака на 80-90%. Сейчас же специалисты оценивают этот риск в 50%, сообщает РИА "Новости".
Напомним, мать актрисы умерла в 56 лет именно от рака яичников.
Как заявила сама Джоли, "рак до сих пор вселяет страх в сердца людей, вызывая глубокое чувство бессилия". Однако сейчас, благодаря анализу крови можно легко выяснить предрасположенность к этому заболеванию и предпринять необходимые меры.

среда, 15 мая 2013 г.

Pregnant Halle Berry Spends Mother's Day With Nahla, Olivier Martinez

An obviously pregnant Halle Berry celebrated Mother's Day Sunday with daughter Nahla and fiancé Olivier Martinez in Hollywood, Calif. The expectant 46-year-old actress -- who confirmed she was pregnant with her second child in April -- looked beaming in a casual halter dress that accentuated her growing baby bump.

"I feel fantastic," Berry told CNN about the pregnancy. "This has been the biggest surprise of my life to tell you the truth. I thought I was kind of past the point where this could be a reality for me. So it's been a big surprise and the most wonderful."

According to TMZ, Berry is reportedly four months along and is expecting a son.


вторник, 14 мая 2013 г.


Beyoncé must have known that telling ABC News she was wants a baby sister for her and Jay-Z's daughter Blue Ivy would get the rumor mill churning – even if she wisely followed it up with "someday." But apparently, it's not just her candid words that are getting the masses going: new Beyoncé pregnancy rumors are gaining traction all because Bey wore a belt.
The New York Post sites the ever-important presence of "chattering" among "music insiders" as the main proof for a new rumor that Beyoncé is pregnant with baby number two, but bolsters the argument with word from last Monday's Met Gala (above). At New York's annual style-fest, Bey wore a black and gold gown with a dangerously high slit and, more importantly, a high-waisted belt. Because the famously curvy singer never favors the figure flattering high-waisted look (never ever, ever) she must be hiding a baby bump.
The Post also resurrected claims that Beyoncé is only allowing approved photographers to capture her mid-dance-move during her international Mrs. Carter Show tour. That's definitely a ploy to keep her pregnancy from leaking to the press and not at all a reaction to the fierce, Hulk-esque images that came out of the Super Bowl halftime show. (You know, the ones her publicist tried to eradicate from the Internet.)
So, in conclusion, chill out, everyone.
If Queen B really was pregnant, do we think she'd be gyrating her way around the world for the next four months on an exhausting tour? Let's wait until she starts rubbing her belly on stage at a major awards show before we give any weight to these rumors. Deal?

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZcD4KPTPE2w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Christina Aguilera is coming back as a coach for the upcoming Season 5 of NBC's The Voice. That’s right, fans will have to endure another season of Aguilera’s cleavage enhancing sequin tops and pointless hand-held fans after her brief absence. Call us cynical, but we're going to file this one under "Worst News of the Day." Aguilera and fellow coach Cee Lo Green took simultaneous leave from the show for its fourth season and were replaced by Shakira and Usher, who joined veteran coaches Blake Shelton and Adam Levine.
Are you shocked and appalled? Just wait, there’s more. According to The Wrap, Aguilera will reclaim her seat in NBC’s hit signing competition for a whopping $17 million. This seemingly high salary is roughly the same that the “Genie in a Bottle” singer earned in Season 3, but when you consider who we may be losing (Seriously though, Shakira is the best), it feels like a high price to pay.
An insider tells The Wrap that Aguilera’s return has been confirmed for few months, but was kept hush-hush while Season 4 thrived in the ratings. Aguilera originally left the reality competition to focus on her latest album “Lotus,” but executive producer Mark Burnett clarified that Aguilera was always welcome to return in the future. An offer Burnett also extended to Green, who is also slated to return for season five.
Although it’s unclear which of the coaches the diva will be replacing, we do know one thing for sure — if Shakira leaves the show then we will throw a fit then we will go all kinds of She Wolf on NBC

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/w0XD34z-OwM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Angelina Jolie has made a tough decision that will forever change her life. The 37-year-old actress reveals that she underwent a double mastectomy in an attempt to reduce the odds that she will get breast cancer. In a New York Times column that came out Tuesday, Jolie admits that she had the surgery back in February and the last of the follow-up procedures in April.
Jolie decided to get the surgery done because she had a high risk of getting breast cancer. "My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percent," Jolie writes. "I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer." Doctors also told her that she has a 50 percent chance of getting ovarian cancer.
Brad Pitt, Jolie's partner and the father to their six children, has been extremely supportive throughout the experience. "I am fortunate to have a partner, Brad Pitt, who is so loving and supportive," she says. "Brad was at the Pink Lotus Breast Center, where I was treated, for every minute of the surgeries."
For Jolie, this decision stemmed from the fact that her mother Marcheline Bertrand died at 56 after a long battle against breast cancer. "My mother fought cancer for almost a decade and died at 56," she says. "She held out long enough to meet the first of her grandchildren and to hold them in her arms. But my other children will never have the chance to know her and experience how loving and gracious she was."
In the article, Jolie details the extremes of each procedure she had to undergo. She also discloses that she now has breast implants. But Jolie is to wary about exposing her children to the details of her situation. "It is reassuring that they see nothing that makes them uncomfortable," she says. "They can see my small scars and that’s it. Everything else is just Mommy, the same as she always was."
Jolie opted to write the Times article as a way to bring awareness to the fight against breast cancer. "I choose not to keep my story private because there are many women who do not know that they might be living under the shadow of cancer," she says. "It is my hope that they, too, will be able to get gene tested, and that if they have a high risk they, too, will know that they have strong options."

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/uzdgwi0rahw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Nicki Minaj Joins The Other Woman

Joining the ranks of non-acting celebs turned actors such like Kim Kardashian, Andre 3000, Paris Hilton, and RZA, the rapper and American Idol host has joined the cast of The Other Woman.

- See more at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/04/nicki-minaj-joins-the-other-woman/#sthash.JrVvXsLr.dpuf

Nicki Minaj Encourages Fans to Avoid Online "Poison" - See more at

If the rumors are to believed, Nicki Minaj soon won't have American Idol as a platform with which she can reach young fans.

She'll be off the show almost as soon as Season 12 concludes.

But the eccentric singer does cover the latest issue of Teen Vogue, hoping her past experiences can shape the future of many followers out there.



Photo bombing may not be photography’s most glamorous trend, but it’s pretty damn funny. We’ve all seen numerous Tumblrs dedicated to the phenomenon, and celebrities have started to take note. The red carpet is no longer the safe, comfortable place it once was. Trust us, you just never know who’s going to pop up in your pics.

Seriously. You can spend hours at the salon getting your hair did, and dress in the finest designer duds — but no one is spared. We here at StyleCaster are absolutely obsessed with photo bombing, and nothing brightens up a rainy day more than watching celebs act like idiots.

We’ve compiled a set of our favorite photo bombs, so click through the gallery above and enjoy!


Brad Pitt Calls Angelina Jolie's Double Mastectomy Decision 'Absolutely Heroic'

The morning after Angelina Jolie published an op-ed in The New York Times that revealed her decision to have a double mastectomy, the man in her life is showing his support.

"Having witnessed this decision firsthand, I find Angie's choice, as well as many others like her, absolutely heroic," Brad Pitt said in a statement to London's Evening Standard. "I thank our medical team for their care and focus."

"All I want is for her to have a long and healthy life, with myself and our children," Pitt continued. "This is a happy day for our family."

PHOTOS: Brad & Angelina's Globe-trotting Family

In her op-ed piece, Jolie described her difficult choice to have surgery because genetic tests showed her to have a high risk of developing the disease. Her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, died of ovarian cancer at 56 in 2007.

She also expressed how much she leaned on Pitt, 49, whom the 37-year-old actress described as "loving and supportive," and there for her "for every minute of the surgeries."


Rihanna and Chris Brown are throwing thinly veiled barbs at each other on Twitter, and it sounds like they are accusing each other of cheating!

Chris Brown and Rihanna are definitely in an off-again stage of their on-again, off-again romance — he confirmed their breakup earlier this week — and we might be getting some real insight into the reason why.

The famous pair have been posting pointed barbs on Twitter, and it's getting pretty juicy!

Rihanna started the war with an image that read, "If I drop all my hoes for you and we still don't work out you owe me some hoes."

Brown followed up with, "She's not mine if she's everybody else's."

Rihanna came back with, "Settling is not an option! Nothing less than 100% loyalty, honesty, and respect!! Love ain't for kidz #butimsleeptho."

That was matched by Brown's comment, "Sometimes loving someone is too much! So loving from a distance will help everyone grow! Be blessed. Live ya life!"

A reference to Rihanna's collaboration with T.I., perhaps?

The Biebs and Rihanna: Celebrity boomerang couples >>

The Twitter war may have been spurred by reports that Rihanna was spotted partying with her ex, J.R. Smith, after a recent concert and by sightings of Brown celebrating his birthday with his ex, Karrueche Tran.

Brown explained the breakup during a radio interview earlier this week, saying, "I mean, at the end of the day, shawty doing her own thang, she on the road. It's always gonna be love. I'm a grown man — just gotta fast-forward.

"The way I look at it is that I am always gonna love that person, and people have different wants and needs. At the end of the day, [Rihanna's] a young girl. I can't really be focused on wife-ing somebody that young, and I'm young too. I just got to step forward and be a man and be the best Chris Brown I can be, instead of worrying about whoever else is going to be in my side pocket."

Keep up with all your favorite celebrity couples — subscribe to the SheKnows Entertainment newsletter! >>

Image courtesy JLN Photography/WENN.com

Mariah Carey Planning a World Tour

While rumors swirl about Mariah Carey's future on American Idol, one thing is certain: She has "beautiful" plans ahead!
PHOTOS: Can you remember all of Idol's winners so far?
On the heels of her buzzed-about new single with Miguel, "#Beautiful," a source tells Us Weekly that the singer is in the midst of planning a brand new world tour.
"Due to the smash success of '#Beautiful,'" fans are clamoring as Mariah makes plans for a world tour," the source explains to Us. So far, "#Beautiful" has hit number one in 25 countries and the top five in 45.
PHOTOS: Mariah and Nick Cannon's love story
The mom to 2-year-old twins, Moroccon and Monroe, has yet to comment on a recent report that she won't be returning to the American Idol judging panel after just one season on the FOX series. While Randy Jackson announced his departure on Thursday, May 9, after 12 seasons with the show, The Wrap claims that Carey, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban have all supposedly been fired.
PHOTOS: Idol judges then and now
The tour would be the Grammy winner's first global trek since 2004, when she was on her Charmbracelet world tour. In 2010, she jet-set on her Angels Advocate tour, where she performed in the U.S., Egypt, Brazil and Singapore.

Angelina Jolie Reveals Having Double Mastectomy to Prevent Breast Cancer

Angelina Jolie has always been adept at taking people's breaths away—but, we admit, she just knocked the wind out of us.
The Oscar-winning mother of six reveals in an op-ed coming out in Tuesday's New York Times that she underwent a preventive double mastectomy in February after doctors told her that she carried the "'faulty' gene" BRCA1 and had roughly an 87 percent risk of contracting breast cancer.
"I am fortunate to have a partner, Brad Pitt, who is so loving and supportive," writes Jolie, 37. "So to anyone who has a wife or girlfriend going through this, know that you are a very important part of the transition. Brad was at the Pink Lotus Breast Center, where I was treated, for every minute of the surgeries. We managed to find moments to laugh together. We knew this was the right thing to do for our family and that it would bring us closer. And it has."
NEWS: Victoria's Secret names breast cancer survivor Giuliana Rancic Sexiest Mom
And, from the sound of it, Jolie's intention was to make more than her immediate family feel comfortable and capable of dealing with such a challenge.
"I choose not to keep my story private because there are many women who do not know that they might be living under the shadow of cancer," she writes. "It is my hope that they, too, will be will able to get gene tested, and that if they have a high risk they, too, will know that they have strong options."
She admits that the decision was "not easy" but she is "very happy" with it, and her risk of breast cancer has dropped to "under 5 percent."

Spoiler Alert: Revenge Getting "Fixed" With Major Death in Season Finale

Looks like Revenge boss Mike Kelley isn't the only one leaving Revenge.
Sources tell me exclusively that as part of the "house cleaning" on the ABC drama—which includes a change in showrunner—Revenge will be killing off a series regular who has been there since the pilot. This core member of the cast will make his or her final appearance in the May 12 season finale.
NEWS: Revenge shocker: Creator Mike Kelley departing series
"It's definitely the biggest death we've ever had on the show," says one Revenge insider. "The fans will be shocked."
Not as shell-shocked, though, as a certain love interest who will be left behind...and devastated.
The death also will set up a new (previously unscathed) character for his or her quest for vengeance.
Revenge, which enjoyed a 13 percent increase in the ratings for the most recent episode, has only two episodes left this season. And according to sources, there will be significant changes to the series when it comes back in the fall.
So...whip out your black Sharpies now and place your bets, Revengers! Who is going to die? Trust us, you will definitely want to tune in!
TWITTER: Follow @kristindsantos for breaking TV scoop, spoilers and more!
PHOTOS: Revenge: OMG Moments!

Bill Hader to Depart Saturday Night Live: "It Was a Hard Decision

Fan favorite Bill Hader is set to depart Saturday Night Live after eight years on the NBC sketchy comedy. "It was a hard decision, but it has to happen at some point," Hader told The New York Times, which first reported his exit. "It got to a point where I said, ‘Maybe it's just time to go.'"
And Hader may not be the only longtime cast member saying goodbye at the end of Saturday's finale, which will be hosted by Ben Affleck and feature Kanye West as the musical guest.

Sienna Miller Cuddles Baby Daughter Marlowe in Adorable Photo

Way to kill us with cuteness!
Sienna Miller was photographed with her adorable daughter, Marlowe, in a candid shot taken by the actress' BFF and former roommate, British model Poppy Delevingne (the older sister of Sienna's lip-locking buddy, Cara Delevingne).
"Mummy Marlowe Love @siennaprivate," Poppy wrote on Instagram.
LOOK: Sienna Miller Wows in Pastel
Miller looked flawless, her blond tresses flowing effortlessly beneath an elaborate floral headband that helped make her deep pink lipstick pop. Meanwhile, Marlowe showed off a big grin while wearing a cute red button-down sweater and rocking a high, um...half-ponytail?
We don't recommend the look for adults, she made it work.
Miller also recently stunned on the 2013 British Academy Television Awards red carpet Sunday in London, where she wore a robin's-egg-blue embroidered box-pleat dress by Matthew Williams.
And, judging by this pic, everything continues to come up roses.